Alumni Card

Alumni Card

Release time:15 January 2024

Note: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, applications for the physical CUHK-SZ Alumni Card are currently suspended.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Alumni Card is a symbol of the identity of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). The alumni card is designed to strengthen the connections between alumni and the alma mater and alumni, so that alumni can enter and leave the alma mater and can still use the relevant facilities designated by the university after graduation. In order to standardize the use of alumni cards and further improve alumni services, the regulations for the handling, use and management of alumni cards are as follows: (For details, please refer to the Alumni Card Management Regulations)

Alumni card application procedures

1. The alumni card is processed on the principle of voluntary application, and the alumni in need should apply to the alumni affairs office within a specified time.

2. At present, the alumni card is accepted twice a year for application processing, usually on the eve of the graduation ceremony of undergraduates and postgraduates each year (the specific time is subject to notice), the alumni affairs office will handle the application for that year. Overdue applications will be postponed until the next application period.

Note: Alumni who have left school before 2019 and did not apply for an alumni card are advised to reissue an alumni card during 2019.

3. Each alumni is limited to one alumni card.

4. To apply for an alumni card, complete the application form online and upload a copy of the student card and upload a photo of the ID as required.
